Select your utility service providerRhode Island Energy
Total number of electric utility accounts:111
Average annual energy use (kWh):2,000,000
Average annual energy spend ($):$385,000
If unknown, click here
If unknown, click here
Please name/describe your RFPCrossroads On-Site Remote Net Metering
How many kWh do you seek to procure?Maximize projects and kWh
How many sites will be included in this RFX?1-10
Procurement TypeCompetitive Bid: Private
Please add all the addresses to be considered for on-site projects
Name Street Address City State Zip Lot # (if availabe) Plat # (if availabe) Please provide a brief description/identification for the site
Crossroads Rhode Island 11 Merrill Lane North Kingstown RI 02852 Adjacent to Kingston Crossing Development
Specify kWh or % of total use
Project Types (Check all that apply, or that you would like to consider)
“Please upload a document which specifies all the sites included in this RFX. Please include the Address, City, State Zip code and any brief description of the site.
Maximize project size and/or kWh
Project Type
Energy, Procurement and Project Goals

Energy, Procurement and Project Goals

This information will be used as the starting point for building your custom procurement.

Contract Type(s) (Select any contract options that you would like to consider in this RFX)
  • Direct Purchase
  • On-Site NMCA/PPA
  • Virtual (Remote) NMCA/PPA
  • Lease: Land
REC OwnershipUndetermined/Optional
Does a Hard copy of the pricing bid need to be submitted?No
  • Crossroads Rhode Island
Other (Describe)
Contact Name
Enable public comments?No
Overview Information

Overview Information

Please provide the requested detail on your custom RFX needs.
This information will be used to build your custom RFX, and will be available for edit and approval at any time.

Please provide a brief description of your organization

Crossroads is the leading provider of housing and services to those experiencing homelessness in Rhode Island. Using the best practices Housing First Model, we strive to help homeless or at-risk individuals and families secure stable housing.

We provide a range of specialized services to meet the unique needs of our clients, including:

  • Housing in more than 370 residences statewide
  • 24-hour/7-day-a-week emergency services
  • Education and employment services
  • Comprehensive case management
Please provide a brief description of the renewable energy project you are seeking

Crossroads Rhode Island (“Crossroads”; “Client”), the leading provider of housing and homeless services in Rhode Island, has issued this Request For Proposals (“RFP”) seeking the design and installation of a ground-mount solar PV system on currently vacant land owned by Crossroads, and located adjacent to one of Crossroads existing housing complexes.  Crossroads is seeking this solar project to either a) provide a direct lease payment to Crossroads and/or b) utilize the remote net metering credits generated from the installed solar facility to offset Crossroads electricity accounts.  Crossroads is an “Eligible Entity” under the state’s remote net metering program and will utilize 100% of the remote net metering credits generated from this solar facility.

Please list any specific/unique RFX GOALS. Goals include items that Client would like to have as part of RFX response, but are not absolutely required
  • Local Hiring
  • MBE hiring/contracting
  • Job training/education opportunities to support our resident clients
Please provide any specific language that Client requires, or otherwise would like incorporated into the RFX. Alternatively, please upload a template RFP that your organization uses, the includes language that must be incorporated in any RFP issued by your organization.
Is there a procurement/review team in place:
Name Title Email
Amie Mbye
Gordon Fox
Marcia Marino
Michelle Wilcox
Please list any specific/unique RFX REQUIREMENTS. Requirements include items that Client must have part of RFX response
  • Please specify all incentives as a result of the Inflation Reduction Act that is incorporated into your bid(s).
Upload templateCopacity_RFP_Crossroads-Kingston_2022.09.21-Update.docx
  • Amie Mbye
  • Gordon Fox
  • Marcia Marino
  • Michelle Wilcox
Will RFP have a Pre-Bid meeting?Yes
Is Pre-Bid meeting mandatory?No


Pre-bid meeting locationVirtual meeting
RFX Issue Date09/21/2022
Pre-bid meeting date09/30/2022
Pre-bid meeting time09:00 AM
Virtual meeting linkPlease email for link
Will RFP have a Site Visit for potential respondents?No
Site Visit meeting time
Is Site Visit mandatory?
Site Visit meeting location
Virtual meeting link
Site Visit meeting date

Please use the table below to establish the milestones and timeframes for this RFX. The Copacity platform automatically outlines recommended milestones and dates, based on your RFX issue date.

These categories and dates are optional and can be edited if needed, and additional milestones and dates can be added at the end of the page.

Pre-bid meeting (recording posted to Copacity platform immediately following)
RFX issue date (Copacity platform opens RFP for registration and communication)
Copacity Recommended RFX Schedule:
Deadline for submittal of Questions.
Site visit (if applicable)
Posting of answers to questions to Copacity platform
RFP due (Copacity platform closes)
Respondent interviews (if applicable)
RFX End Date10/11/2022


Please use the table below to establish the evaluation and scoring categories for this RFX. The Copacity platform automatically outlines recommended categories and points, however these are optional and can be edited if needed, or used as is.

You can opt to either use/assign points to each of the evaluation and scoring categories, or simply leave them as general categories that will be considered during your review and evaluation of responses.

The suggested categories and points can be edited if needed, or used as is. Additional evaluation and scoring categories can be added at the end of the section.

Additional Client specified milestones or events
Developer experience, qualifications and financial strengthDeveloper experience, qualifications and financial strength
Project overall feasibility (development, interconnection, permitting and approvals risk)Project overall feasibility (development, interconnection, permitting and approvals risk)
Score 5
Project siting and designProject siting and design
References and reference projects (5 points)References and reference projects (5 points)
Score 6
Enter Scoring Factor #10 HereClient: Please add any additional scoring factors you would like considered Here.
Total Score
Possible Score
Score 1
Section Break
Score 1
Standard RFX Language
Total Possible Score
Standard RFX documents
Utility Bills
Photos - Utility Meter(s)
Photos - Location of where electricity comes into the building(s)
Specific Distribution: Please specify a specific list of individuals/firms to receive a copy of the RFP
Template Contract documents